Torres Foncé
You already know our delicate, honey-like washed coffee with hints of orange and brownies from Guatemala produced by Juan Jose Torres. You probably also know that it's a project close to our hearts.
Here's a darker roast of this superb coffee, perfect for your favorite milk-based drinks. Without denaturing the coffee, the roast brings out slightly more intense tasting notes such as cocoa, toasted marshmallows and macadamia nuts.Juan Jose Torres, like Bernardo Pacheco (see our Klassic Klo blend), is a coffee producer from the indigenous Xinka community and a member of the “Cafe Colis Resistencia”. One of the most important aspects for him in the production of coffee is to respect the surrounding biodiversity.
This is the first time Juan Jose has exported internationally and we are extremely proud to represent this coffee which is absolutely delicious with notes of orange, honey, and brownies.
The development of the Escobal mine is supported by the Canadian company Pan American Silver which claims, on its website, to build and operate mines responsibly.
Buying coffee from Juan Jose Torres is also a gesture to support Cafe Colis Resistencia, which works to have the rights of the Xinkan community recognized.
Recommended settings:
- Quantity of coffee in the cup: 16g of coffee per 250ml
- Temperature: 200 F
Recommended settings for espresso:
- Quantity of ground coffee: 18.5g
- Quantity of coffee in the cup: 37g
- Extraction time: 30 seconds
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